Click 'Create TLD Account' if you want to issue domain names, and click 'Create Domain Account' if you want to own a domain.

Enter an existing seed here:

Quick Guide

  1. Open this site in a second tab
  2. In this tab (Domain tab), click "Create Domain Account". Note down the seed and address
  3. In the second tab (TLD tab), click "Create TLD Account". Note down the seed and address.
  4. Send a Banano to your TLD Account's address
  5. On TLD tab, click "Receive"
  6. On TLD tab, fill in the "Name (no '.', '"', max 32 chars [32 bytes]):" field with "helloworld", fill in the Domain tab's address in the "Send to address:" field and click "Issue domain"
  7. Wait until it sends, and open the block explorer link in a new tab, noting the block hash
  8. Back to the Domain tab, fill in that block hash into the "Block hash of Domain Transfer:" input
  9. Then, in the right hand "Domain Resolver" panel add the TLD tab's address to the "TLD Mapping". Call it "demo"
  10. In "TLD name (no dot):", write "demo" and then click "Detect held domain name"
  11. It should now say "Name: helloworld" right below "Domain Account Manager". Congratulations! You own a Banano domain name now
  12. Fill in your actual main Banano address in "Resolve to address:", and click "Declare address to resolve to", and anyone using your TLD can now turn "helloworld.demo" (or whatever they name your TLD) into your address

Special thanks to airtune and yusuf. Protocol Specification